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Showing posts from October, 2020

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The Outdorksman Podcast Espisode 2

Wildlife Refuges and State Parks: Wait, You Can Hunt Those?

Wildlife Refuges and State Parks serve as sanctuaries for all manners of animals and people. From Deer to Upland Game to Waterfowl and Fish. But, did you know that many of them offer special hunts? I didn't! Why do they have them? Well, many reasons actually. Hunter participation amongst all ages brackets is on a slow downward trend.  My theory is that Minnesota would like to create more hunter opportunities with these special hunts.  Also, these hunts would act as something of a management tool for the Fish and Wildlife Agencies to regulate animal populations exceeding carrying capacities within these areas.  Although many hunters are successful within these locations, it is not a guarantee. These hunts will require mental alertness and toughness. Often times special rules and hunting zones are applied within the parks and refuges. For example, refuges do not allow for hunting stands to be left on the trees or land overnight. This requires the hunter to take all their equipment ou

How To Convince Your Wife To Go On A Grouse Hunting Trip 😎

"Want to see some beautiful fall colors?" I should probably start by explaining how Alexis wasn't intimidated by the idea at all. And that the title is a tad misleading...  Early October is just a flat-out awesome time of the season to be out appreciating fall. It didn't take much to convince her into adventuring out on a weekend to go camping in Betrami Island State Forest. October grouse hunting will lead  you to the middle of the woods where tall trees filter small streams of sunshine and leaves dance across the ground. Toss in a tent, campfire, warm sleeping bags, a few cups of coffee, and I'd bet anyone would consider joining just for the ambiance.   If you're new to this, you might be surprised to learn that "grouse camps" are actually a thing. Camp can be anything from tarps, ten ts, and pop-out fish-houses to RV's and Icecastles. A very similar scene happens later in November for deer season. On average, 80,000 grouse hunters hit the wood