"It's kind of like TV Guide for lakes" If you didn't know, and most people don't, the MN DNR put some serious work into collecting fish population and other data samples to keep lakes balanced and stocked. That information isn't top secret per se but, it isn't easy to get a hold of either. Luckily, the DNR has changed that. Somewhat. Have you ever driven past a lake and wondered to yourself, "Is there really anything worth fishing for in there?" Well let me let you in on a little secret: there probably is and it's easy to find out. A couple times a year I try to tell folks about the Lakefinder section on the DNR's website. So here I go again. In the Lakefinder app you can search nearly any lake in Minnesota that is large enough to sustain fish. LakeFinder Link Here 👈👈 Follow along This will go pretty quick! Homepage provides you a few options for searching... I use the map feature. ('Cause I like maps) Click on the la
where mediocre sportsmen might find themselves